School Supplies for Sudan
Suha Osman, currently Donor Services Officer with the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area, will speak about an initiative she started called "School Supplies for Sudan," which provides school-children with access to essential resources necessary for learning. She started the project after completing her graduate studies in International Public Policy in 2022. Utilizing her marketing and communications skills as well as personal connections at a local high school in Kingston and her alma mater in Waterloo, she was able to support an all-girls primary school in rural Khartoum, Sudan in the spring of 2023. Since then, she has facilitated two additional fundraisers to support displaced Sudanese students' access to quality education and to support displaced families in Sudan and Egypt. To date, the organization she founded has been able to raise over $35,000 USD, used to directly address barriers to education for Sudanese students.
Suha holds an Honours B.A. from Laurier in Global Studies and Political Science and a Masters in International Public Pollicy with a specialization in International Economic Relations, from Balsillie School of International Affairs.