Posted by Heather Kembel
Hi Heather and Rotary club of Cataraqui Kingston, 
It's been quite a while since I have sent an update, my apologies for that. I am coming up to the last stretch of my exchange already – time really does fly. I have just moved into my last host family's house. I was quite sad to say goodbye to my second family but I am looking forward to getting to know this family better. I have been incredibly lucky to live with these families, they are all so kind and helpful.  
I have been attending Rotary meetings as much as possible and coming up is our Rotary Inspiration day. I will be singing with my new host brother for the gala in the evening. 
School is going well, I will be travelling with my school's choir to Dresden, Germany for a week and then shortly after I will go with my class on a school trip to Barcelona! I am looking forward to seeing some sun while I am there -- Denmark is quite dark in the winter, although spring is coming and the sun is shining more. 
Spring is on its way and hopefully the rain will stop soon but even with the bad weather, I have had an amazing time here! I have attached a few photos as I don't post much on Facebook. I hope things are going well back home and for everyone in Rotary. 
Best wishes, 
Karenna's 18th birthday with the traditional Danish cake.
At the opera house.
Skiing with her host family