Guest Speaker Introduction by Elizabeth Cohoe.
“Several years ago, at a District Assembly, I had the privilege of hearing a presentation about EarlyAct at Vanier Public School in Brockville.  It’s been in the back of my mind ever since, as a worthwhile club for elementary school students. Over the last few years, our Rotary Club has been developing a strong relationship with Loughborough School in Sydenham, most recently through our assistance with their greenhouse and teaching kitchen.  They have representatives here today to hear about the experiences at Vanier School. Needless to say, I’m very excited about hearing from our speakers today.
Marilyn Powers and Michelle Peters are Rotarians at The Rotary Club of Brockville.  Jeanette Gaffney is a grade 3 – 4 teacher at Vanier School.  It was Michelle who was inspired to get EarlyAct started at the school, when she was teaching there.  On her retirement, Jeanette took over the leadership of the program.  Marilyn is the current Rotary Club liaison for EarlyAct at the school.
When I contacted them to see about a presentation at our club, I was inspired by their enthusiasm for EarlyAct and the impact it has had on their school.”
Marilyn, Michelle and Jeanette’s complete presentation and video is available on our website. Alan MacDonald and his class from Loughborough Public School also joined us this morning to hear their presentation. Greg Mumford thanked our guests with the traditional loaf of bread which will be donated to Lunch by George.
To see more about Vanier Public School's Earlyact Club, see