Michelle Chatten-Fiedorec introduced PDG Katie Burke, who was our District Governor in 2010-11.  She has a long history of involvement in education.
During this presentation, we learned about the types of funded studies that are available through Rotary. 
For a Global Grant Scholarship, the applicant must live in our District 7040, but already be accepted for the first year of study at a Masters level outside of their home country.  Their study must be within one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus, and they must be endorsed by a 7040 Rotary Club. Note that there are now seven areas of focus, as “Supporting the Environment” has been added to the former six.
There are two types of Peace Fellowships.  One is for a two-year Masters level program at one of seven universities around the world.  The other is for a three-month certificate program at one of two universities, following at least five years of work experience. Rotarians and their lineal descendants may not apply.
Katie talked about the type of person who would make a good candidate, and the list was of pretty amazing credentials.  For details about the application process, you may visit https://my.rotary.org/en/peace-fellowship-application
Our District can recommend a candidate, but the final decision comes from the Rotary Foundation.
Natalie Kauf is a past recipient.  She was nominated by our Rotary Club, and has attended as a speaker.  This year, Audrey Wagner will be going to Oxford University and will be studying aspects of food security.
Some may remember Ambassadorial Scholarships- they no longer exist.  Their place was taken by the Global Grant Scholarships.
Speaker thanks were offered by Sean Goodall.