The Rotary theme this year is “Serve to Change Lives” and the multicoloured symbol represents diversity.
We currently have 32 members and 6 Friends of Rotary.  Ana’s goal is that we grow to 40 and 8, but retention is very important. 
Ana is confident of the support by our Board of Directors and members, and the club has some amazing leaders.
This year we will be actively working the Strategic Plan, incorporating the Four Way Test and good communications.
Members should feel that they are able to pitch in within their own expertise and ability.
We all need to be involved in the auction as it is important to the work of the club.
Something new is that we are going to campaign through Canada Helps to support community causes.
We are going to work toward holding safe hybrid meetings.
We are going to continue our mini presentations or getting-to-know-you talks by long time members, and it is hoped that we will be able to have more social events going forward.
Ana had all the members recite the Four Way Test, as we remind ourselves that this is how we should conduct our lives.
Ana looks forward to working with the new board and the various committee chairs.