Greg Mumford introduced this morning's speakers. This morning we heard from Pareza and Jolee, two wonderful young students who participated in this year's RYLA (Rotary Youth Leaderships Awards). Once again RYLA was held virtually. Pareza is finishing grade 11, and Jolee is finishing grade 12 and is off to Waterloo University in the Fall. Jolee started by telling us that RYLA has taught her to dream big, to help create a more inclusive society. She was inspired by her peers and the instructors, and her favourite part was the project forum, where ideas were discussed about addressing issues. RYLA created a safe space where dreams could be discussed openly. Pareza is headed to Concurrent Education, and enjoyed the open discussing of ideas and the workshops that helped to build her leadership skills. Youth have ideas for change, but need the skills and advice on starting something to make change happen. RYLA helped provide this. There were also public speaking workshops to build confidence, and speakers who inspired the students to pursue their dreams.
What was the number one takeaway from RYLA?
Jolee - Talking to another student about pursuing a project on racial justice, possibly a cultural awareness festival or event, and coming up with ideas to help in Kingston before I leave for university. I also learned that project require a lot of time and effort! I'm also looking at getting involved with something while at University.
Pareza - who do you find that one thing that your are passionate about? There was solid advice on how to do that. I've previously worked with environmental groups and want to expand on that.
What can we do as a club to help our work with youth? What do we need to pay attention to?
Jolee - Rotary Clubs can give a safe space to youth to express what needs to be done. Help us reach our full potential by giving us access/opportunity/connections. Starting an Interact Club would be a good idea.
Pareza - Provide the resources for youth to pursue their big dreams and use their big voice.
How can we sell this program to future students.
Pareza - Students have to dig for things like RYLA, advertise it more in the school community. Have the student leadership talk about these programs.
Jolee - Agreed, more promotion is necessary. Lots of students would love to participate in RYLA! I would counsel future students to keep an open mind, just jump right in.
As an aside, Greg said we have developed a better network than we've ever had (thanks to Leslie). He will also pursue this issue more with Jolee and Pareza.
Perhaps sending information right to student council would help?
Parezza - I will definitely promote things like RYLA through student council.
Heather Nogrady thanked our guests for participating, for speaking to us today, and for offering their advice to our club.