The Cataraqui Kingston Rotary Club is partnering with the Madras Chenna Patna Rotary Club in an exciting Global Grant project intended to detect breast cancer in its early stages using innovative technology (the iBreastExam screening device) developed in India approximately a decade ago.  Already this technology has been successfully used approximately 250,000 times in pilot projects around the world.  This current project will demonstrate that using this new technology, a widespread, clinically effective program for the noninvasive and painless detection of early stage breast cancer is feasible financially, both for women clients and in terms of the medical infrastructure currently in place in India.  The project will be delivered in the state of Tamil Nadu, in southern India. There the incidence of breast cancer is rising drastically at a rate of approximately 4% per annum compounded.
Rushooka Maternal Health Clinic Update
On June 8th, Dominic Tumsuwigye from the Kampala Kolola RC presented at our weekly meeting, the achievements of the health teams at the Rushooka Maternal Health Clinic since the health centre commenced operations in October of 2020.
The project has been a fabulous success.
Firstly, lives have been saved because mothers with difficult pregnancies were able to access the surgical services at the Centre as opposed to travelling for hours over poor roads to get to the District Hospital.
Secondly, the Centre, which previously was classed as a level # 2 health centre, has been elevated to a level # 4 centre and now qualifies for government operational funding to enable it to continue providing sophisticated medical assistance to the people in its catchment area, including surgeries and diagnostic services previously only available at the District Hospital.

Rushooka Maternal Health Clinic - Uganda

Cataraqui Kingston RC is helping to deliver maternal health care in a deeply underserviced rural area of western Uganda.
Located in Rushhooka, Kayonza sub county, Ntungamo District, 375 miles from Kampala and 60 miles from the closest regional hospital, the Mother Fransisca Lechner Health Centre offered out patient services only to a catchment area with a population of almost 30,000 people.  Acting as International Partner for this Global Grant Project (GG2015340) with the host club, Kampala Kolola Rotary Club,  through the Rotary Foundation, Cataraqui Kingston RC has facilitated the purchase of medical equipment to enable the Mother Fransisca Lechner Health Centre to equip an operational theatre for child birth inclusive of a diesel electrical generator to provide reliable power and to provide further training for 17 Health Workers and 85 Health Care Teams.  
The goal of the project is to reduce maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 deaths per 100,000 live births and end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age. 

From refugee camp to a thriving developing community, the story of Siriba village in Uganda.

The Siriba project is a perfect example of a Rotary Economic and Community Development Grant, a working and financial partnership between local and international Rotary clubs with the support of a Global Grant from the Rotary Foundation.
Siriba grew into a village out of a refugee camp for displaced widows and orphans. Some 20 years ago they fled the violence of the “Lord’s Resistance Army “in Northern Uganda, led by the infamous warlord Joseph Kony wanting to overthrow the President and create a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments and local Acholi tradition. (Kony is from the same tribe as Idi Amin).  Men and youngsters were abducted, 66,000 children became soldiers, and 2 million people were displaced internally from 1986 to 2009.
The women in the refugee camp slowly started to organise themselves making a living by selling charcoal and growing sunflowers and maize on rented land. With time a village emerged.
This was the situation when the Rotary Club of Kampala North, D 9211 heard of their plight and decided to help.

International Rotary Friendship Exchanges

A program that gives Rotarians the opportunity to visit Rotarians around the world and to host Rotarians in return.
What are the benefits of an exchange to a Rotarian or a Club?
  • Broaden international understanding
  • Experience other cultures, people, languages, customs and history.
  • Build enduring friendships
  • Establish a strong foundation for active project involvement and support
  • Find partners for grants
Friendship Exchanges foster cooperation between clubs of different countries, involvement in International and local projects, and strong bonds not only on humanitarian but also on a personal level.
The networking developed through friendship exchanges helps with the implementation of global or smaller projects, building on Rotary reach.